CC100Master Bridge User’s Guide
Master/Smart EP Ethernet Properties (Ether)
The Ethernet properties of the Master device and Smart EP device are configurable. For those EPs equipped with the
fixed Ethernet properties are remarked as un-configurable EPs – usually based on 3010 chipset.
Port Setup
To configure built-in Ethernet switch port properties, including speed, flow control, and maximum In/Out rate
(bandwidth control) of ports LAN1/LAN2/HCNA.
Service and Speed/Duplex
Change ‘Service’ to enable or disable the port. This setting opens or closes the related Ethernet switch port in EP’s.
The default setting in the field ‘Speed/Duplex’ is ‘Auto’ which states for auto-negotiation.
Bandwidth Control
Consider port HCNA as the network backbone and refer to the following diagram to set up bandwidth control
parameters in the EP’s Ethernet switch (Regarded as Hardware bandwidth control, works for both upstream and
downstream). The maximum allowed rate should be the setting value multiplied by 64Kbps. If maximum rate
exceeds 100Mbps (as the value 1563), there will be no bandwidth control at all.