
DN0445814 © Nokia Corporation 23 (60)
Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
5 Management
The Local Management Interface (LMI) is located at the rear panel (see Figure
12). The interface is used to manage DNT2Mi-fp with Service Terminal (V.11)
and Macro Service Terminal Emulator (typically V.28) running on a PC or with
other Nokia management software.With ST it is also possible to manage other
network elements through the DNT2Mi-fp
Use of signal 108 when using MSTE
If signal 108 is on it will disconnect the DNT2Mi-fp from the management
network and no other network elements can be managed through the DNT2Mi-fp.
If signal 108 is off then it is possible to manage the network elements through the
Electrically, management interface signals comply with ITU-T V.28 or V.11. The
selection is made using rear panel DIP switch.