Media applications
Media player does not necessarily support all features of
a file format or all the variations of file formats.
UPnP media servers
Universal plug and play (UPnP) technology allows devices
to connect seamlessly and simplifies the implementation
of networks for data sharing, communications, and
entertainment in the home environment. UPnP media
servers are available for most operating systems and many
hardware platforms and enable you to store and share your
media files (pictures, video, audio, and multimedia files).
Your internet tablet functions as a UPnP client and can
auto-detect UPnP media servers as long as they are
connected to the same local network as your device and
are configured accordingly.
RSS feed reader
You can receive and read RSS feeds from service providers.
The service provider may be a news agency, entertainment
site, or an individual who writes an online diary or journal.
Tap , and select Internet > RSS feed reader. The
folders and feeds you have created are shown on the left.
There may also be predefined folders and feeds.
To subscribe to a feed, visit a service provider’s web site
with the web browser and search for a link labelled XML or
RSS. Tap the link, and do the following:
1. In the web browser, look for an RSS icon in the toolbar.
Tap the icon, and RSS feed reader opens.
2. In Add feed, select OK
Alternatively, if you copied the feed address, tap on the
application toolbar in the RSS feed reader, paste the
address of the feed to Add feed and select OK.
Level 1.2)
RealVideo RealAudio
Extension Video Audio
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