Configure the settings
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Internet e-mail settings (SMTP)
In addition to MMS, the camera is also capable of sending images and
video clips to an Internet e-mail address using a GPRS connection and
SMTP protocol. To use the Internet e-mail option, do the following:
• Define and use an access point suited for sending e-mail. See “Access
point settings” on page 48.
• Define the settings of your e-mail server, as described in this section.
• Select SMTP as the sending protocol of the camera, as described in
this section.
• Define the e-mail addresses of the camera users, and select e-mail
as the default sending address of the users. See “Add users” on
page 34.
When the SMTP protocol is used, the camera can send, for example,
motion detection images only to an e-mail address, not to a mobile
phone directly. However, the users can still capture images, and have
them sent to their mobile phones using MMS.
For information on e-mail settings, contact your service provider.
To define the name of the mailbox, send the following text message to
the camera:
44 1 mailbox name
To configure your e-mail address in the e-mail server you are using,
send the following text message to the camera:
44 2 e-mail address
To set the outgoing mail server address, send the following text
message to the camera:
44 3 mail server address
To set your user name for the SMTP connection, send the following
text message to the camera:
44 4 user name
To set the password for the SMTP connection, send the following text
message to the camera:
44 5 password