
Chapter 7. Setting up Push Proxy Gateway
Variable Value Description
ssl-server-key-file string
Mandatory value for PPG
HTTPS support. The file
containing server’s ssl private
ppg-url url
URL locating PPG services.
Default /wappush .
global-sender string
Sender phone number required
by some protocols.
concurrent-pushes number
Number of concurrent pushes
expected. Note that PPG does
work even value is too low; it
will only be slower. Default 100.
users number
Number of actually configured
user accounts. Note that PPG
does work even value is too low;
it will only be slower. Default
trusted-pi boolean
If true, PI does authentication
for PPG. Obviously, both of them
must reside inside same firewall.
Default true. If this variable is
true, all security variables are
ignored (even though they may
be present).
ppg-deny-ip ip-list
PPG will not accept pushes from
these IPs. Wildcards are allowed.
If this attribute is missing, no IP
is denied by this list .
ppg-allow-ip ip-list
PPG will accept pushes from
these, and only these, IPs.
Wildcards are allowed. Adding
this list means that IPs not
mentioned are denied, too.
default-smsc string
If no SMSC ID is given with the
wappush HTTP request (see
below), use this one as default
route for all push messages.
Configuring PPG user group variables
In addition of pi lists similar to the core group, ppg configuration spesific to a certain user contains
variables used for authentication and enforcing restrictions to phone numbers pi may contact. All