C Commands Summary
MiLLennium GPSCard SW Version 4.503/4.52 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 2 107
Many different types of data can be logged using several different methods of triggering the log events. Every log
element can be directed to either the COM1 or COM2 ports. If a selected log element is to be directed to all the
ports, then separate LOG commands are required to control them. The ONTIME trigger option requires the
addition of the period parameter and optionally allows input of the offset parameter. See Chapter 3 and Appendix
D for further information and a complete list of ASCII and Binary data log structures.
The optional parameter {hold} will prevent a log from being removed when the UNLOGALL command is issued.
To remove a log which was invoked using the {hold} parameter requires the specific use of the UNLOG command.
The [port] parameter is optional. If [port] is not specified, [port] is defaulted to the port that the command was
received on.
log com1,posa,ontime,60,1,hold
The above example will cause the POSA log to be logged to COM port 1, recurring every 60 seconds, offset by
one second, and with the {hold} parameter set so that logging would not be disrupted by the UNLOGALL
To send a log only one time, the trigger option can be ignored.
log com1 posa
log posa
LOG [port] datatype [trigger] [period] [offset] {hold}