
24 Liberty Identity Provider for Novell eDirectory
Novell Confidential 03createidp.fm last saved 4/14/03 Manual Version: 3/17/03103
If you are running on port 80 (HTTP) or port 443 (HTTPS), you do not need to specify
the port value.
7 Click OK.
2. Define Site Properties
Continuing from Step 7 in the previous section, you are now at the Site Properties page.
Figure 18 Site Properties Page
The Descriptive Name you entered in Step 3 carries forward.
The Provider ID is a required field for the Liberty specification. A value for this field is provided
by default, which is the base URL Domain Name with your Descriptive Name added at the end.
This name must be unique.
The Base URL information also carries forward.
1 Specify whether introductions should be used.
Introductions is a feature that allows a service provider to identify which providers (within a
common domain) a user is logged into. The Allow Introductions check box is unchecked by
default. In order for single sign-on to work seamlessly, you must check this box and enter
values for the Application Domain and Common Domain.
NOTE: In order for introductions to work, the identity provider and the service providers must agree on a
common domain.
The Common Domain is a DNS name that IDPs and SPs within a circle of trust have agreed
upon and/or obtained for use between each other.