© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5332-r01 (11/19/12)
Decompression mode activates when theoretical No Decompression time and depth limits are exceeded.
Upon entry into Deco, the audible will sound and the alarm LED will flash. The full TLBG, Stop Bar with Up Arrow icon, and
graphic DECO will flash (Fig. 62) until the audible is silenced.
• S (< 2 sec) to silence Audible.
> Once within 10 FT (3 M) below the required Stop Depth (in the stop zone), the full Stop icon (both Arrows with Stop Bar) will
be displayed solid.
To fulfill your decompression obligation, you should make a safe controlled Ascent to a depth slightly deeper than, or equal to,
the required Stop Depth indicated and decompress for the Stop Time indicated.
The amount of decompression credit time that you receive is dependent on Depth, with slightly less credit given the deeper you
are below the Stop Depth indicated.
You should stay slightly deeper than the required Stop Depth indicated until the next shallower Stop Depth appears. Then, you
can slowly ascend to, but not shallower than that indicated Stop Depth.
DECO STOP MAIN, information includes (Fig. 63):
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> NX, DSAT (or Z+), Gas 1 (2, 3) icons - those that apply.
> Stop Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> Stop icon (arrows with bar).
> Stop Time with min icon.
> Pressure, with PSI (or BAR) icon, graphic SPG (Submersible Pressure Gauge) if Gas 2 or 3 is in use.
> Full TLBG.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALTs.
• A (2 sec) to access Gas Switch routine, unless Gas 2 is set Off.
• S (< 2 sec) to acknowledge alarms and activate Backlight.
DECO STOP ALT 1, information includes (Fig. 64):
> Max Depth with MAX and FT (or M) icons.
> NX, DSAT (or Z+), Gas 1 (2, 3), CF icons - those that apply.
> Air Time Remaining, with ATR icon, 2 dashes ( - - ) if Gas 2 or 3 is in use.
> Total Ascent Time with TAT and min icons.
> Elapsed Dive Time with EDT and min icons.
• A (< 2 sec) to access ALT 2.
• Revert to Main in 10 sec, if A not pressed.
• S (press) to activate Backlight.
*TAT includes Stop Times at all required Deco Stops plus vertical Ascent Time based on the max rate allowed.
Deco Stop ALT 2 & 3 are similar to No Deco ALT 2 & 3.
Upon ascent above the required Deco Stop Depth, operation will enter CV during which no off gassing credit will be given.
The Audible will sound and the alarm LED will flash. The Stop Bar with Down Arrow icon and graphic DOWN will flash (Fig.
65) until the audible is silenced, then the TLBG will be solid.
• S (< 2 sec) to silence audible and activate Backlight.
> Down Arrow icon continues to flash until descent to below required Stop Depth (within stop zone), then full Stop icon (Stop
Bar with both Arrows) will be on solid.
If you descend deeper than the required Deco Stop before 5 minutes elapse, Deco operation will continue with no off gassing
credit given for time above the Stop. Instead, for each minute above the Stop 1-1/2 minutes of penalty time will be added to
required Stop Time.
> The added penalty (deco) time will have to be worked off before obtaining off gassing credit.
> Once the penalty time is worked off, and off gassing credit begins, required Deco Stop Depths and Time will decrease
toward zero. The TLBG will recede into the No Deco zone and operation will revert to No Deco mode.
Fig. 65 - CV MAIN
(after Audible)
Fig. 62 - DECO ENTRY
(during audible)
Fig. 64 - DECO STOP ALT 1