The GEO 2 is configured with a Data Port (Fig. 111a) that
enables it to be connected to a PC USB port using a special
interface cable that is available as an optional accessory.
The USB Driver required for the interface system is download-
able from the Oceanic Worldwide web site.
The Settings Upload portion of the program can be used to
set/change the Set T group (Watch Time/Date), Set A group
(Alarms), Set U group (Utilities), and Set FA group (FREE Alarms).
The FO2 and Operating Mode settings must be entered using
the button controls.
Information available for retrieval* (download) from the GEO 2
to the PC Download portion of the program includes items such
as dive number, surface interval time, depth, dive time, start
date and time, lowest temperature, sampling rate, Set Points,
TLBG, VARI, and Gas Switching events.
FREE Dive information is only available using the PC interface system.
The unit checks for the presence of an interface device connec-
tion to the Data Port once every second* while in Watch mode.
Checks are not made if the Wet Activation contacts are wet.