© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5378-r01 (4/9/15)
Fig. 67 - NO DECO MAIN
NO DECO DIVE MAIN, information includes (Fig. 67):
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon
> DTR (Dive Time Remaining) with NDC (or O2) and min icons
> Max Depth with MAX and FT (or M) icons
> EDT (Elapsed Dive Time) with DIVE and min icons
> VARI while ascending
> Gas 1 (or 2) icon - the one in use
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALTs.
• M (< 2 sec) - to apply a snapshot Earmark to the PC/Mac interface data recorded at that time. The graphics EAr MAR will
be displayed for 3 seconds (Fig. 68).
• A (2 sec) - to access Deep Stop Preview, if triggered.
• M (2 sec) - to access Gas Switching.
• S (< 2 sec) - to acknowledge alarms.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
On the surface < 10 minutes -
Upon ascending to 2 FT (0.6 M) during a dive, Surface Interval time will be displayed with the SURF icon ashing for the
rst 10 minutes and NDC will be displayed as 2 dashes (refer to page 16).
>> After 10 minutes elapse, operation will revert to the Watch Main Time screen.
>> If a descent is made to 5 FT (1.5 M) for 5 seconds, the dive will be continued. Surface time will not be added to Dive
No Deco Alt 1, information includes (Fig. 69):
> Time of Day (hr:min), with AM (or PM) icon if 12 Hour Format, no icon if 24 Hour Format
> Temperature with graphic F (or C)
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 2 (if Nitrox), or access DS Preview if not.
• Revert to the Main in 10 seconds, if A is not pressed.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
No Deco Alt 2 (only if Nitrox), information includes (Fig. 70):
> % O2 with O2sat icon
> Current PO2 value (ATA) with icon
> FO2 value set for the Gas in use with icon
> Gas 1 (or 2) icon, the one in use
• A (< 2 sec) - to revert to access DS Preview.
• Revert to the Main in 10 seconds, if A is not pressed.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
Deep Stop Preview, information includes (Fig. 71):
> Graphic PrEV
> Stop Depth with FT (or M) icon, DS icon, and Stop Time as 2:00 with min and sec icons
• A (< 2 sec) - to revert to the Main.
• Revert to the Main in 10 seconds, if A is not pressed.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
DEEP STOP MAIN, information includes (Fig. 72):
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon
> DTR (min) with NDC (or O2) and min icons
> Stop Depth with FT (or M) icon
> Stop icon (arrows/bar) with DS icon
> Stop Time with min and sec icons, counting down
> Gas 1 (or 2) icon, the one in use
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALTs**.
• M (2 sec) - to access Gas Switching.
• S (< 2 sec) - to acknowledge alarms.
• L (press) - to operate the Backlight.
** DS features up to 3 ALT displays which are similar to the No Deco Main, ALT 1, and ALT 2 displays, respectively.
Fig. 69 - NO DECO ALT 1
Fig. 70 - NO DECO ALT 2
Fig. 71 - DS PREVIEW
Fig. 72 - DS MAIN
Fig. 68 - EARMARK
(shown for 3 seconds)