© 2002 Design, 2014 Doc. No. 12-5380-r01 (7/15/14)
Audible Alarm - A emitted tone that alerts the diver to potential danger.
Depth Sensor - An electro-mechanical device that converts water pressure into an electrical signal, that is converted to a visual depth display.
Display - A visual readout of information.
Dive Log Mode - A display of recorded dive information.
Elapsed Dive Time - The total time spent underwater during a dive that begins at the start depth set and ends upon ascent to the end depth.
Graphic Diver Interface
- Feature of Oceanic digital gauges that indicate the diver's status (icons, graphic displays).
Icon - A small pictorial representation of an operational mode or information.
LCD - Abbreviation for liquid crystal display, an easily viewed low voltage display typically found on digital dive gauges.
Maximum Depth - The deepest depth attained during a dive.
Mode - A specific set of functions in a digital gauge.
Out of Range - The point at which a dive gauge can no longer provide accurate calculations or information.
Transducer - An electro-mechanical device in a dive gauge that acts as a depth sensor.
• Conducting Free dives within a 24 hour period after conducting SCUBA dives, combined with the effects of multiple rapid
Free Dive ascents, increases your risk of decompression sickness. Such activities may result in accelerated entry into
decompression which could cause serious injury or death.
• Combining competitive type Free Dive activities that involve multiple descents/ascents with activities utilizing SCUBA during
the same 24 hour period is not recommended. Presently, there is no data relating to such activities.
• It is highly recommended that anyone planning to become involved in competitive type Free dive activities obtain proper
instruction and training from a recognized Free Diving trainer. It is imperative that the physiological affects be understood
and the diver is physically prepared.
• If your F10v3 stops working for any reason while operating in Free Dive Mode, it is important that you have anticipated
this possibility and are prepared for it.
• If you dive in situations where your trip would be ruined or your safety would be jeopardized by losing the use of your
F10v3, a backup instrument system is highly recommended.