Battery Hatch Installation
• Ensure that the Battery is properly oriented and the Hatch
O-ring is evenly seated.
• Carefully place the Battery Hatch into position so that it
seats on top of the O-ring, and while holding it in place,
secure it with the 4 screws by turning them clockwise.
DO NOT attempt to use any other screws.
• Carefully tighten the screws by alternately turning them
each one turn at a time (Fig. 99). Turn the upper left one
(a), then the lower right (b), then the lower left (c), then
the upper right (d).
• Repeat the sequence until all of the screws are evenly
secure. The outer surface of the Battery Hatch should be
flush with the outer surface of the Housing. DO NOT
• Activate the unit and watch carefully as it performs a full
diagnostic and battery check, and enters Surface Mode.
Observe the LCD display to ensure it is consistently clear
and sharp in contrast throughout the screen.
• If any portions of the display are missing or appear dim,
or if a Low Battery Condition is indicated, return your Pro
Plus 2 to an Authorized Oceanic Dealer for a complete
evaluation before attempting to use it.
Fig. 99 - Hatch Installation