
Simple operation based on easy-to-
read LCD display
The control box features a minimum of
buttons to ensure simple, straightforward
operation. Settings are clearly shown on
the LCD display and changed by simply
pushing the buttons. 35mm/large-format
camera selection is performed
Photography conditions are easy to
confirm even in the dark, thanks to the
clear graphical display of shutter speed,
measuring area, film number, camera
format, exposure compensation and
compensation for reciprocity failure.
Extend your capabilities with PM series
Compatibility with large-format and
Polaroid camera operation as well as
35mm SLR. For 35mm film, DX code
sensing is automatic, to ensure correct ISO
setting every time. 35mm film
loading/winding/rewinding are all
automatic, to prevent setting and operating
Extra editing convenience: data imprinting
units are available for 35mm and Polaroid
3 1/4
4 1/4 cameras.
Foot switch available for foot-operated
shutter release.
A variety of adapters for different kinds of
microscopes and a wide range of
magnification photo eyepieces are also
100% light Path.
1% spot measuring to accommodate
specimens for fluorescence
The PM10SP employs Olympus-
developed original IC measuring. Highly
precise exposure control is possible
through 30% average measuring (suitable
for brightfield observation) and 1% spot
measuring for both scattered specimens in
darkfield observation and observation of
bright fluorescence specimens.
The 100% light path with built-in memory
allows 100% of the light to reach the film.
Accurate metering of 50% of the light
intensity allows 50% of the light to be
diverted to the viewer for easy framing,
even for dark specimens. The anti-vibration
shutter mechanism combined with direct
100% exposure capability (performed by
pushing the mirror aside with a cam)
ensures clear, sharp pictures even at high
shutter speeds.
Convenient palm-sized control box
saves desk space
The palm-sized control box saves desk
space, and enables setting adjustments to
be made without unnecessary hand
movements. The ability to confirm
operating conditions without looking up lets
the user work more efficiently.
Camera backs and adapters for camera backs
Data imprinting control box Data imprinting unit