Quick task index
Taking pictures with automatic settings
Easy photography with special effects
Art filter (ART)18
Choosing an aspect ratio
Aspect ratio 55
Quickly matching settings to the scene
Scene (SCN)19
Pro-level photography made simple
Live guide 21
Taking pictures so that whites come out
white and blacks come out black
Exposure compensation 47
Taking pictures with a blurred background
Live guide 21
Aperture priority shooting 57
Taking pictures that stop the subject in
motion or convey a sense of motion
Live guide 21
Shutter priority shooting 58
Taking pictures with the correct color
White balance 50
One-touch white balance 51
Processing pictures to match the subject/
Taking monotone pictures
Picture Mode 52
Art filter (ART)18
Focus/Focusing on one area
Touch screen 27
AF target 44
Zoom frame AF/zoom AF 45
When the camera won’t focus on your
Touch screen 27
Focus lock 44
Focusing on a small spot in the frame/
confirming focus before shooting
Zoom frame AF/zoom AF 45
Recomposing photographs after focusing
Focus lock 44
C-AF+TR (AF Tracking) 43
Turning off the beep speaker
8 (Beep sound)
Disabling the flash/taking photos without
the flash
Flash 65
ISO/DIS Mode 55/19
Reducing camera shake
Image Stabilizer 49
Anti-Shock 89
Self-timer 56
Remote cable 106
Taking pictures of a subject against
Flash shooting 65
Gradation (Picture Mode) 52
Photographing fireworks
Bulb/time photography 59
Scene (SCN)19
Reducing image noise (mottling)
Noise Reduct. 89
Quick task index