(Typical specifications for 25 DegC unless otherwise specified.
A/D converter type 7800
Resolution 12 bits
Programmable ranges
PCI-DAS1001 ±10V, ±1V, ±0.1V, ±0.01V, 0 - 10V, 0 - 1V, 0 - 0.1V, 0 - 0.01V
PCI-DAS1002 ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.0V, 0 - 10V, 0 - 5V, 0 - 2.5V, 0 - 1.0
A/D pacing Programmable: internal counter or external source (A/D External Pacer)
or software polled
Burstmode Software selectable option, rate = 6.67µs
A/D Trigger sources External digital (A/D External Trigger)
A/D Triggering Modes
Digital: Software enabled, rising edge, hardware trigger
Pre-trigger: Unlimited pre- and post-trigger samples. Total # of samples must be >
Data transfer From 1024 sample FIFO via REPINSW, interrupt or software polled
Polarity Unipolar/Bipolar, software selectable
Number of channels 8 differential or 16 single-ended, software selectable
A/D conversion time 3µs
Throughput 150KHz min
Relative Accuracy ±1.5LSB
Differential Linearity error ±0.75 LSB
Integral Linearity error ±0.5 LSB typ, ±1.5 LSB max
Gain Error (10V,1V and 0.1V Ranges) ± 0.02% of reading Max
Gain Error (0.01V Range) ± 0.4% of reading Max
No missing codes guaranteed 12 bits
Gain drift (A/D specs) ±6ppm/°C
Zero drift (A/D specs) ±1ppm/°C
Common Mode Range ±10V
CMRR @ 60Hz 70dB
Input leakage current 200nA
Input impedance 10Meg Ohms Min
Absolute maximum input voltage ±15V