
Section 2 - Overview
Page 8 09/11/2008 REV 0.99
2.5 Files
2.5.1 Configuration Files
The recorder has hundreds of options and settings that need to be set up by the user. Things like input types,
point tags, displays, record information and so-on. Once set up, this information is saved in the internal
memory (SD Card) as a user named configuration file in a special directory called ConfigFiles. Each unique
configuration is stored in a sub-folder within the ConfigFiles directory. The system appends “_cfg” to each
folder name created which in turn contains the actual configuration files. The files are in an xml format and
bear the extension “.xml”. Currently there are two independent but related files one for the physical settings
of the recorder input types, record setup, alarms and so on and has the filename given by the user with the
file type “.xml” and one for the displays as set up by the user which has the filename given by the user but has
“_display.xml” added by the system. See below.
When a user saves or loads a configuration using the Configuration Manager the system takes care of the
details and defaults to the ConfigFiles directory.
When saving the configuration, the user enters a filename and accepts the entry for example the filename
could be pumphouse. The Recorder will then create a folder in the ConfigFiles directory called
pumphouse_cfg and in this folder it will create the two configuration files, pumphouse.xml for the physical
settings and “pumphouse_displays.xml” for the display information.
When loading a configuration, the Configuration Manager will show a list of all the subfolders (Configurations)
in the ConfigFiles directory (without the “_cfg” adder) so the user can recognize the configuration files. When
a configuration is selected, the system loads the two files from this subfolder.
At the recorder, this folder and split file structure is totally transparent and configurations can be loaded using
names assigned by the user. When using the file explorer to move configuration files it is important to note
that you need to move, save or copy the subfolder in the ConfigFiles directory. This will keep all associated
file with that configuration together.
The structure is as follows: