OMEGA Model CYD201/CYD208 User’s Manual
Remote Operation 4-3
4.1.2 Serial Interface Operation
Remotely control all thermometer functions, except SoftCal™
compensations from a computer with communications software and modem.
Located on the rear panel is a RJ-11 modular socket designated J2 SERIAL
I/O for host computer connection. Accessories CYD200-J10 (RS-232C
phone cord) and CYD200-D (RJ-11 to DB-25 adapter), as well as a null
modem adapter may be required to link the serial port of the host computer
directly to the thermometer. When programming a Model CYD201/CYD208
from the serial interface, consider the following:
• Type commands in all CAPS.
• The term
free field
indicates a floating decimal point placed any
appropriate place in the string of digits.
in examples indicates terminating characters placed by the user or
where they appear on a returning character string from the unit.
• Leading zeros and zeros following a decimal point are not needed in a
command string, but they are sent in response to a query.
• Enter temperature to 0.1 degrees. Greater precision truncates.
Temperature is limited from 0 to 475 K.
• Place no space between commands and the variable being sent.
4.1.3 Sample Basic Program
10 OPEN “COM1:300,O,7,1,RS” AS #1 ‘Open COM port
11 PRINT “TYPE ‘QUIT’ TO EXIT” ‘Print QUIT message
12 PRINT ‘Print blank line
20 INPUT “ENTER COMMAND”;A$ ‘Get command to send
21 IF A$ = “QUIT” THEN GOTO 100 ‘Look for QUIT then quit
30 A$ = A$ +CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) ‘Adding CR and LF
40 PRINT #1,A$; ‘Sending command string
45 R = INSTR(A$,”W”) ‘Scan CMD for W/QUERRY
46 IF R = 0 THEN GOTO 90 ‘If not a QUERRY skip PRINT
50 FOR Z = 1 TO 500: NEXT Z ‘Short delay
60 LINE INPUT#1,B$ ‘Read back CYD201/CYD208 response
70 PRINT B$; ‘PRINT instrument response
90 GOTO 11 ‘Jump back to the beginning
100 CLOSE #1 ‘Close COM port
101 END ‘End program