
These operating procedures are included for your understanding and benefit.
• HINTS. The juicer will perform best when letting the flow of juice out of the spout slow down
before putting in the next item. If vibration occurs, a firmer item may bring the juicer back into
balance. The juicer may have also reached its capacity and needs to be emptied. Items with peels,
like apples, will work best when the peel side of the inserted piece is facing the on/off switch.
• STARTING. Make sure the juicer is properly assembled and running at full speed before you
begin to juice.
• FEEDING. Do not force feed the juicer. For most fruits and vegetables, a slow, start and stop,
or jabbing motion will work best. If the juicer begins to vibrate, a slightly harder push with the
firmer item should bring it back into balance.
• SIZE. Firmer items are best used when just large enough to fit in the chute. Softer items are
best used when cut into smaller pieces. Items with thin skins (tomatoes/grapes) are best when
chopped into even smaller pieces. Stringy items like celery should be cut into roughly 2" pieces
for best performance.
• COMBINATIONS. When making a drink that uses a combination of more than one fruit or
vegetable, we suggest occasionally alternating the various fruits or vegetables when placing
them in the machine. Example: Carrot/Celery/Beet Juice - place a couple of pieces of one item
and then the next into the unit. Items can be placed randomly. This will work better than
doing all carrots, then all celery, then beets. Although alternating should cut down on chances
of vibration, it does not always work when juicing an item with a peel. Example: Carrot/Apple
Juice - using most of your carrots first will build a better base for the apple pulp to spread
• GREENS. When juicing leafy greens, we suggest that you twist and roll the green into a ball the
size of a golf ball. Always place the greens into the juicer first, followed by crispier produce like
carrots, celery, etc. The juice from these vegetables will force additional juice from the greens.
• SOFT ITEMS. When juicing soft produce (tomatoes, grapes, peaches, cucumbers), it is best to
not use the filters
. Juice slowly, pausing until the flow of juice has slowed down. The fiber of
the softer produce can clog the holes of the basket, so you may have to empty the basket more
often. It is helpful to start and/or alternate with firmer produce. There is a greater chance for
vibration with these items.
• FINISHING. Allow the Omega Juicer to run for a couple minutes after turning off the juicer to
allow all juice to be extracted from the pulp. Once the juicer is turned off, it is normal for the
juicer to continue to spin for a couple minutes due to the precision balancing of the Omega Juicer.
• PRODUCE. It is very important that you select fruits and vegetables that are very fresh - firm,
crisp and juicy!
• CLEANING. Before you begin juicing, thoroughly wash all dirt, wax, dyes and pesticides from
your produce. This will allow you to juice the skin which contains many of the valuable food
elements. Exceptions: Peel items like cucumbers, pineapples, cantaloupe and citrus. This will
aid in easier juicing, cleaner produce and better tasting juice.
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