November 28, 2011
Page 17
5700 Step Top Wood Stove Series ACC
Maintenance and Service
• Frequency: When ash is within 1-3/4 inch (44mm) of
firebox lip. Leave 1/4 to 1/2 inch (6-13mm) of ash in the
bottom of the firebox.
• By: Homeowner
B. Disposal of Ashes
A. Ash Removal System Operating and Cleaning
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
Make sure Ash Removal System door is sealed tight
against the gasket. Air leakage may cause:
• Overfi re condition
• Flame and/or smoke spillage
• Wood to burn too fast
Do NOT use Ash Removal System while stove is burning
• Frequency: As Necessary
• By: Homeowner
• Ashes should be placed in a steel container with a
tight-fi tting lid. The container of ashes should be moved
outdoors immediately and placed on a non-combustible
fl oor or on the ground, well away from all combustible
materials, pending fi nal disposal.
• If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise
locally dispersed, they should be retained in the closed
container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other
waste shall not be placed in this container.
1. The stove and ashes must be completely cooled down
before using the Ash Removal System (ARS).
Reach down and locate the ash removal door handle
under the left side of the stove in the center. Squeeze
the handle and push all the way back. A magnet will
hold the handle in place which in turn holds the ash
door open.
Use the tool included in your component pack to remove
the ARS access cover plate.
2. Clean ash down through the exposed opening and into
the drawer below.
Make sure all ash is removed from the top of ARS
You can rapidly move the ARS latch handle up and
down to help remove any ash from the door. Use a
small brush to clean off the top of the door if any ash
remains. Figure 17.1.
Be sure to replace the ARS access cover before oper-
ating the stove. Remember to leave 1/4 to 1/2 inch
(6-13mm) of ash on the fi rebox fl oor to act as a natural
insulation. This will lengthen the life of the fi rebrick.
3. Close the door handle, you will hear a “click” when it
closes. The ash drawer will not pull out if the door handle
is left in the open position. Wear gloves to remove the
drawer. Dispose of the ashes properly as described in
your owner’s manual.
ARS Door Latch
ARS Door
ARS Access
Tool to Remove
Rapidly move handle
up and down to
remove any ash from
the door
Ensure all ash is removed
from top of ARS door. Use
a small brush if necessary
CAUTION! Risk of Injury! Gloves are recommended as
there may be sharp edges.
Figure 17.1
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Ashes could contain hot embers.