
Some Useful Information
Temperature measurements taken within the ear
The Gentle Temp 521 Digital Ear Thermometer detects the infrared heat given off by the eardrum and
surrounding tissues, and it converts this heat into an equivalent ear temperature.
The Gentle Temp 521 is less threatening to a child than a rectal thermometer. It’s faster, safer and easier to use
than an oral thermometer.
Being digital, there’s no worry about the hazard of broken glass or mercury ingestion. Measurements can even be
taken while a child is sleeping.
For adults, the Gentle Temp 521 Digital Ear Thermometer offers fast, convenient and accurate readings without
the delay of a conventional thermometer.
Clinical research has shown that the ear is an ideal site for taking body temperature. The eardrum shares blood
vessels with the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature. Therefore, the ear is an
accurate indicator of internal (core) body temperature. An ear temperature, unlike an oral temperature, is
unaffected by factors such as talking, drinking, and smoking.
Normal and raised temperature
We recommend that you practice with the Gentle Temp 521 on yourself and family members.
This way you can improve your technique and feel more confident of the measurements you take when a family
member is ill. You will also be able to tell when a reading is higher than normal.