4-6-3 Checking the Program
Once a program has been input, it should be checked for syntax to be sure
that no programming rules have been violated. This check should also be
performed if the program has been changed in any way that might create a
syntax error.
To check the program, input the key sequence shown below. If an error is
discovered, the check will stop and a display indicating the error will appear.
Press SRCH to continue the check. If an error is not found, the program will
be checked through the first END(01), with a display indicating when each 64
instructions have been checked (e.g., display #1 below).
CLR can be pressed to cancel the check after it has been started, and a dis-
play like display #2, in the example, will appear. When the check has reached
the first END, a display like display #3 will appear.
A syntax check can be performed on a program only in PROGRAM mode.
Key Sequence
The following table provides the error types, displays, and explanations of all
syntax errors. The address where the error was generated will also be dis-
Many of the following errors are for instructions that have not been intro-
duced yet. Refer to
4-7 Controlling Bit Status
or to
Section 5 Instruction Set
for details on these.
Message Meaning and appropriate response
????? The program has been destroyed. Reinput the program.
NO END INSTR There is no END(01) in the program. Write END(01) at the final address in the program.
CIRCUIT ERR The number of logic blocks and logic block instructions does not agree, i.e., either LD or LD NOT
has been used to start a logic block whose execution condition has not been used by another
instruction or a logic block instruction has been used that does not have the required number of
logic blocks (i.e., unused execution conditions). Check your program.
IL-ILC ERR IL(02) and ILC(03) are not used in pairs. Correct the program so that each IL(02) has a unique
ILC(03). Although this error message will appear if more than one IL(02) is used with the same
ILC(03), the program will be executed as written. Make sure your program is written as desired
before proceeding.
JMP-JME ERR JMP(04) and JME(05) are not used in pairs. Match each JMP(04) to a JME(05).
COIL DUPL The same bit is being controlled (i.e., turned ON and/or OFF) by more than one instruction (e.g.,
OUT, OUT NOT, DIFU(13), DIFD(14), KEEP(11), SFT(10)). Although this is allowed for certain
instructions, check instruction requirements to confirm that the program is correct or rewrite the
program so that each bit is controlled by only one instruction.
DIF OVER More than 48 DIFU and DIFDs are used in the program. Reduce the number of DIFU(13) and
DIFD(14) used to 48 or less.
LOCN ERR The instruction currently displayed is in the wrong area. Correct the program.
JME UNDEFD The corresponding JME for a given JMP does not exist. Correct the program.
JMP UNDEFD The corresponding JMP for a given JME does not exist. Correct the program.
DUPL The number of the currently displayed instruction has already been programmed. Correct the
SBN-RET ERR Incorrect usage of the displayed instruction (SBN or RET). Incorrect SBN usage is caused by
more than one SBN having the same subroutine number. Correct the program.
SBN UNDEFD The subroutine called by SBS does not exist. Correct the program.
Error Messages
Inputting, Modifying, and Checking the Program Section 4-6