Troubleshooting Using Indicators Section 9-1
Troubleshooting with LNK and M/A Indicators
Data Link Cannot be
The following table describes the LNK and M/A indicators at the startup node
and their use in troubleshooting when a data link cannot be started.
Starting a data link depends on the Controller Link Unit operating normally
and participating in the Network. Refer to Troubleshooting with RUN, ERC,
ERH and INS Indicators earlier in this section and check Unit operation before
using the following table.
Indicators Probable cause Probable remedy
Lit --- Data link operating normally. ---
Flashing --- There is an error in the data
link tables.
When the ERH indicator is
flashing, remake and set the
data link tables.
When manual setting is used,
either data link tables have not
been created for the startup
node or there is an error in the
data link tables.
Refer to 5-2-2 Manual Setting
and set data link tables for the
startup node.
When automatic setting is
used, either the data link
parameters for the startup
node have not been set or
there is an error in the data link
Refer to 5-2-4 Automatic Set-
ting and set the automatic
parameters for starting the
data links.
Automatic setting is used with
1:N allocations, but the device
does not support this function.
Use a Controller Link Unit that
supports automatic data link
creation with 1:N allocations.
Refer to Automatic Setting on
page 129 for details.
Not lit Lit Manually set data links are
already operating on the same
Stop the manually set data
links that are operating and
restart the data links.
Not lit Not lit Automatically set data links
are already operating on the
same Network.
Stop the automatically set data
links that are operating and
restart the data links.
There is an error in the startup
node PLC.
Refer to the PLC’s operation
manual and correct the error. If
the error reoccurs, replace the