System Setup, Auxiliary Area Allocations, and Built-in I/O Allocations Appendix C
Auxiliary Area Allocations by Function
The following tables list the words and bits allocated in the Auxiliary Area by function. These tables provide only
an overview of the functionality. Refer to Appendix D Auxiliary Area Allocations for details or a list of allocations
by address.
Motion Control Modules
Allocations That Are the Same for All Modules
FQM1-MMP21 Motion Control Modules with Pulse I/O
Address Bits Name Function Controlled by
A202 00 Motion Control Module
slot 1
ON if the Motion Control Module is in slot 1. Module
01 Motion Control Module
slot 2
ON if the Motion Control Module is in slot 2.
02 Motion Control Module
slot 3
ON if the Motion Control Module is in slot 3.
03 Motion Control Module
slot 4
ON if the Motion Control Module is in slot 4.
Address Bits Name Function Controlled by
A600 00 to 15 High-speed Counter 1 PV Range: 8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF
Note For a Linear Counter, high-speed counter over-
flows/underflows are checked when the PV is read
(i.e., when Module internal I/O is refreshed).
A601 00 to 15
A602 00 to 15 High-speed Counter 2 PV
A603 00 to 15
A604 to
00 to 15 High-
For following
counter modes
• Absolute linear
• Absolute circu-
• Absolute linear
PV of abso-
lute number
of rotations
Contains the number of rotations data (PV) read from
the Encoder when the SEN signal is input to the
Servo Driver.
8000 0000 to 7FFF FFFF hex
For following
counter modes
• Linear counter
• Circular
Monitor data • When monitoring counter movements (mode 1),
contains the absolute value of the amount of
change in the PV of the high-speed counter over
the specified sampling time as a 8-digit hexadeci-
mal value (0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF hex).
• When monitoring the counter frequency (mode 2),
contains the frequency of the high-speed counter
calculated from the PV of the high-speed counter
between 0 and 7A120 hex (0 and 500 kHz).
A606 to
00 to 15 High-
For following
counter modes
• Absolute linear
• Absolute circu-
• Absolute linear
PV of abso-
lute number
of rotations
Same as for A604 and A605 for high-speed counter
1 except that measuring the high-speed counter fre-
quency is not possible for high-speed counter 2.
For following
counter modes
• Linear counter
• Circular
Monitor data