Service problems that
appear to be major can
often be solved easily.
You can be your own
troubleshooter by
reviewing this guide.
All other servicing
should be done by an
eck authorized
service center.
PPrroobblleemm CChheecckk WWhhaatt ttoo ddoo
leaner will not run.
Not plugged in properly. •Be sure cleaner is firmly plugged into wall outlet.
•No electricity in wall outlet. •Check electrical source – fuse or circuit breaker.
Cleaner does not pick up. •Filter Bag is full. •Replace filter bag. See “Replacing Disposable
Odor Fighting Dust Bag”.
Nozzle or intake pivot •Clear obstruction.
•Belt is broken or stretched. •Replace belt.
Brush is worn. •See “Adjusting or Replacing Brushroll”.
•Bag tube clogged. •Clear obstruction.
Bag pores are clogged •Change bag.
ith fine dust.
•Impeller fan is broken. • Return to Service Center for repair.
•Revolving brush is not •Check bearing seal. Make sure words “Special”
even at both ends. or “Normal” at each end.
Unit still does not •Check all the •Contact Oreck for service.
operate properly. above points.
IItteemm PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr
Crystal Aroma
Carpet and Room Freshener AROMAII
Oreck Dry Carpet
Cleaning System 303088
Replacement Parts
IItteemm PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr
Dust Bag, 8 Pack, Saniseal
Odor Fighting Hypo-Allergenic CCPK8OF
Dust Bag, 8 Pack, Saniseal
Hypo-Allergenic CCPK8DW
Belts, 3 P
ack 0300604
All accessories and replacement parts are sold separately. To order, call our customer service group or visit our
website. Please have your model number from the data label on the bottom of the unit.
Customer Service Hotline
USA: 1-800-989-3535 Canada: 1-888-676-7325
website: www.oreck.com