WARNING: Unplug cord from
electrical outlet before servicing.
Remove the replacement
belt from the storage
Remove the door by
removing the hold down
screw located on side of
power head.
Slide the door forward
by prying open with a
screwdriver or coin.
Remove the belt from the
brush roll pulley and the
motor drive shaft.
Loop the new belt over
the motor drive shaft.
Place the opposite end of
the belt on the top of the
brush pulley and roll the
belt around the pulley.
Using your thumb and
finger, rotate the belt on
the pulley, ensuring that
the belt encircles the
entire circumference of
the pulley.
Replace the door by
sliding it into the groove
at the bottom of the
housing. Replace the
hold down screw.
WARNING: Unplug cord from electrical
outlet before servicing.
Stuffing or
Under certain conditions it is possible to stuff or block the intake
tube and the lower tube assembly. If your vacuum cleaner does
not pick up properly, or makes unusual noise and the outer bag
does not fluff up or balloon open, follow the following steps:
How to Replace a Worn Belt
Intake Opening
1. Check for blockage at the
mouth of the intake
opening. See illustration A.
If there is blockage, remove
it with long-nose pliers, a
screwdriver or coat hanger.
If you can not reach the
blockage, remove base
plate. See illustration B.
2. If the blockage is not at the
base, remove lower tube.
See illustration C. Unhook
retainer spring, releasing
bottom of bag. Twist lower
collar counter clockwise to
slide up. Pull tube out of
base. Check for blockage. If
blockage is in the tube,
remove with a coat hanger.
3. If tube is not blocked, look
into fan housing. See illus-
tration D. Remove debris
with long-nose pliers, a
screwdriver or coat hanger.
4. To reassemble, check O-ring
on tube, and replace if
damaged. Vacuum will not
operate properly without the
tube O-ring. Slide O-ring to
approximately 2" from base
of tube. Replace tube by
first lining up slot at base of
tube with inner tab inside
fan housing. Then reinsert
tube and push down until
the tube is seated. Make
sure O-ring is in place
against fan housing
opening. Replace and
tighten collar until collar
locking tabs are locked in
place. See illustration E.
Make sure collar is not cross
threaded on housing.
Intake Opening