SWOP® Application Data Sheet ● Page 2
ORIS Digital Proofing System™ for Canon
W6400/W8400 printers, using ORIS PearlPROOF™
Publication paper and Canon 6-color ink
CGS Publishing Technologies International LLC
310 Clifton Avenue ● Minneapolis, MN 55403
Tel +1 (612) 870 0061 ● Fax +1 (612) 870 0063
info@cgsusa.com ● www.cgsusa.com
V. System Set-Up
In order to ensure the quality and consistency CGS specifies that a CGS ORIS Digital Proof must be
run in a controlled and calibrated workflow. This workflow is described as follows:
● Examination of device
Using the Canon device control panel, check that the printer nozzles are printing smoothly and
alignment is correct. Please refer to individual Canon manuals for the specific procedures.
● Automatic Printer Calibration of device to Reference Printer Profile
Using the ORIS Color Tuner software application, perform an Automatic Printer Calibration of the
CANON printer to the Reference Printer Profile reference file provided by CGS:
For detailed automatic printer calibration procedures using ORIS Color Tuner™ please refer to the
ORIS Color Tuner User’s Guide, Chapter 4-6 (Color Management).
VI. ORIS Digital Proof Control Strip
All proofs from the printer must print an ORIS Digital Proof Control Strip using ORIS Color Tuner™.
The control strip (figure 1) must fall within the specified CGS ORIS Digital Proof tolerance, defined in
the following section of this document.
The control strip (in TIFF or ORIS-specific DDP format) is available at the CGS USA web site:
figure 1