5.7 Settings
Press rewind button or fast forward button in the main menu to
select Settings menu and press play button to enter Settings
menu, which includes language setting, EQ setting, play mode
setting, recording format setting, contrast setting, timing off setting
and resume default value setting.
5.7.2 EQ
Press rewind button or fast forward button in language setting men
to select language and press play button to confirm. Long press play
button or press power button to skip this setting. The following
languages are available: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portugues
Spanish, Hebrew, Poland and Hungarian. It will be difference due to differe
firmware version
Press rewind button or fast forward button in EQ setting menu to
select EQ and press play button to confirm. Long press play button
or press power button to skip this setting. When playing music,
the change of EQ can be felt in the earphone. EQ of this player includes:
Normal, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Pop, Ultra Bass, Blues, Club, Dance,
Full Bass and Treble, Full Treble, Large Hall, Live, Party, Reggae,
Ska, Soft Music, Soft Rock, and Techno.
Play mode
Press rewind button or fast forward button in play mode setting
menu to select play mode and press play button to confirm. Long
press play button or press power button to skip this setting.
The play mode of this player includes: normal, repeat one, repeat all,
random and random & repeat. Random and random & repeat can only
be applied to music play.
Record Settings
Press rewind button or fast forward button in Record Type setting menu to select
recording format and press PLAY button to confirm. Long press play button or press
power button to skip this setting. This setting is used to set the sampling rate of
microphone recording. The available recording formats for this player are: 8KHz, 11KHz,
16KHZ, 22KHz, 32KHz, 44KHz and 48KHz.
Press rewind button or fast forward button in the contrast setting
menu to select contrast and press play button to confirm. Long
press play button or press power button to skip this setting.