satellites when you are in different places, this is called "Satellite Path", a "Satellite Path"
only covers a range of 300 KM. If a "Satellite Path" is defined at place A, then turn off the
device and move to another place beyond 300 KM away from A, the device is under
another "Satellite Path", At this moment, the device needs to search for satellite signal
again. To track the new "Satellite Path", this will take quite a long time. To save time for
this searching, you may click "GPS Reset" button in menu of "GPS Testing" to clear the
previous “Satellite Path".
It will be difficult and taking more time to catch positioning signal from satellite during high
speed driving. It is suggested to search the positioning signal by stopping your car for a
better and safer effect.
While charging the device, please only use the travel charger or car charger equipped by
the manufacturer in its original package. Other chargers may cause damage to this device,
and this damage is not covered by our warranty.
4.3” LCD TFT display with touch screen operations with handwriting input.
Professional portable navigation system, UI design for mobile application, Convenient
Most popular Windows OS, World class CPU
TF card of extensible capacity for mapping data, MP4 video, MP3 music, Photo picture,
and personal files.
Map for major large and medium scale cities, detailed mapping data, real voice guidance,
automatic smooth switching
Built-in high sensitive GPS receiving module and antenna, Faster GPS signal receiving
and more accurate positioning
Prompt and accurate positioning applicable for GPS data collection, e.g. Area measuring
Prompt response for both cold and warm start; Re-capture of GPS signal just in 1 second
on average, Accuracy of positioning: no more than 10 meters; Accuracy of timing: no
more than 1 microsecond
Multimedia entertainment: MP3 music, MP4 video, Photo viewing
Personalized function setting:Language selection, Backlight brightness adjustment;
Power management, Coordination calibration.