to us e th e Pu l s e se t t I n g
The “PULSE” button momentarily activates the blender at short intervals.
You may also continuously touch the “PULSE” button to pulse as desired.
• ToPulse,selectdesiredspeedsettingthenpressthe“PULSE”buttonto
activate the blender in short intervals at the desired speed selected. The
blender will run at selected speed as long as you press the button. The
motor will stop when you stop pressing the button.
Bl e n d I n g tI P s
• Putliquidsinthejarfirst,unlessarecipe
says otherwise.
• Crushingice:Crushapproximately3cupsof
ice at a time with 2 cups of liquid for optimal
• Donotremovethelidwhileinuse.Remove
filler cap to add smaller ingredients.
(Figure 6)
• Thisblenderhasbeendesignedtogently
process foods when operating at low speeds.
If blades do not rotate during operation,
simply choose a higher speed.
• Thisblenderwillnotmashpotatoes,whip
egg whites or substitute dairy toppings, mix
stiff dough or grind raw meat.
ho t Fo o d s
• OpentheFillerCaptoventsteam.TiltFillerCapawayfromyou.Keep
hands away from the cover opening to prevent possible burns.
• Whenworkingwithhotliquids,removeFillerCapandstartblending
at a low speed. Then move to a faster speed. DO NOT add liquid over
the 4 cup (1 liter) level.
Cl e a n I n g a n d st o r I n g Yo u r Bl e n d e r
IMPORTANT: Unplug Before Cleaning Base And Do Not Immerse
The Blender Base In Water Or Any Other Liquids.
Use a damp, soft sponge with mild detergent to clean the outside of the
blender base and control panel. All parts except for the blender base are
dishwasher safe. Place sealing ring in bottom basket of dishwasher.
You can also wash the parts in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and dry.
st o r I n g Yo u r Bl e n d e r
After cleaning, reassemble blade to jar with sealing ring and threaded jar
bottom. Store blender with cover ajar to prevent container odor.
re C I P e s
For fun and creative recipes for your new Oster
blender please visit
www.oster.com. Here you will find everything from the perfect Breakfast
Smoothie to creamy Soups, Sauces and a host of Oster
signature Frozen
Drinks. For the perfect recipe for any occasion — turn on your creativity
with Oster
gI n g e r Pe a C h sm o o t h I e
Figure 6
Ma k e s
Cu p s
Yo g u r t
(ou n C es )
IC e
Cu b e s
Me d I u M
Fr o z e n
sl I C e d
pe aC h es
Fr o z e n ba n an a
(2 I n C h C h u n k s )
Wh I t e
gr a p e Ju I C e
(ou n C es )
gr o u n d
gI n g er (ts p )
2 8 2 5 2 3
3 12 3 8 3 4
4 16 4 10 4 6
5 20 5 13 5 7
6 24 6 15 6 9
Ma k e s
Cu p s
Yo g u r t
(ou n C es )
IC e Cu b e s
Me d I u M
Fr o z e n
st r a W b e r r I e s
(1 I n C h d I a .
M a x )
Fr o z e n ba n an a
(2 I n C h C h u n k s )
Wh I t e
gr a p e Ju I C e
(ou n C es )
gr o u n d
gI n g er (ts p )
2 7 2 2 2 3
3 11 3 3 3 4
4 14 4 4 4 6
5 18 5 5 5 7
6 21 6 6 6 9
st r a w B e r r Y sm o o t h I e