English-10 English-11
3 cups all-purpose flour 4 tbsp. cooking oil
2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
/2 tsp. salt Juice of 1 orange (
/3 cup)
1 cup sugar 1 cup chopped apple
1 large egg, lightly beaten
Preheat oil to 375° F /190° C. Combine flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; set aside.
Combine egg, cooking oil and vanilla. Combine dry and liquid ingredients and stir to
blend thoroughly. Add orange juice and apple and mix well. Add teaspoon of combined
mixture to raised frying basket. Close Lid and lower basket into oil. Fry for about 2
minutes until crisp and brown. Remove basket from oil and drain. Open Lid and place
on a plate covered with paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Dust with powdered sugar
or a mixture of granulated sugar and cinnamon; serve at once.
Beer BaTTer For FiSh or ChiCKen
2 large eggs, separated
/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1 tbsp. oil or butter 1
/3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
/4 cup flat beer
Preheat oil to 375° F /190° C. Beat egg yolks with oil/butter, salt and pepper.
Alternately add the beer and flour to mixture. Beat ingredients well and refrigerate for
3 to 12 hours. When you are ready to use mixture, carefully fold in 2 stiffly beaten egg
whites. Pat fish or boneless chicken breasts. Coat lightly with flour then dip into beer
batter. Place fish or chicken in raised fryer basket. Close Lid and lower basket into oil.
Fry fish for 3 minutes or until golden brown. Fry fish chicken 5 - 8 minutes until brown
and fully cooked. Remove basket from oil and drain. Open Lid and place on a plate
covered with paper towels to absorb excess oil.
1 fryer chicken (2
/2 lbs.), cut up
/4 tsp. salt
/2 cups all-purpose flour 1
/4 cups milk
1 tsp. seasoned salt
Preheat oil to 375° F /190° C. Combine flour and seasonings. Dip chicken pieces in
flour, then milk, then flour again. Place chicken in raised fryer basket. Close Lid and
lower basket into oil. Fry for 20 minutes or until golden brown and done. Remove
basket from oil and drain. Open lid and place on a plate covered with paper towels to
absorb excess oil. Serve warm.
4 whole boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 stick of butter or margarine
1 tbsp. chopped onion
/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. chopped parsley 1 large egg, beaten
/3 tsp. salt 1 cup fine, dry bread crumbs
Preheat oil to 375° F /190° C. Place chicken breasts between two pieces of plastic
wrap. Pound with wooden mallet to flatten to 1⁄4-inch thick. Remove plastic. Combine
onion, parsley and salt and sprinkle on chicken. Cut butter into 8 pieces. Place a piece
of butter on seasoned chicken toward one end. Roll as jelly roll, starting at end with
butter, tucking in sides of meat. Press to seal well. Secure with toothpicks. Dust with
flour, dip in beaten egg, then roll in bread crumbs. Chill rolls of chicken thoroughly
(at least one hour). Place rolled chicken in a single layer in raised fry basket. Close Lid
and lower basket into oil. Cook 5 minutes or until brown. To test for doneness, remove
a piece of chicken from the oil. When fork can be inserted with ease, chicken is done.
Remove basket from oil and drain. Open lid and place on a plate covered with paper
towels to absorb excess oil. Serve warm.
Refrigerated can of biscuits
/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp. ground cinnamon
Preheat oil to 375° F /190° C. Take each biscuit and flatten slightly with palm of hand.
With finger, punch holes in center of each biscuit to shape into doughnuts. Place into
raised frying basket. Close Lid and lower basket into oil. Fry for 2 minutes turning
once. Remove basket from oil and drain. Open Lid and place on a plate covered with
paper towels to absorb excess oil. Dip doughnut in mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
Serve warm.
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