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We l c o m e
Congratulations on your purchase of an Oster
To learn more about
products, please visit us at www.oster.com.
Fe a t u r e s o F Yo u r Bl e n d e r
A. Feeder cap for adding ingredients while blending
B. Leak-proof lid
C. Your
Blender includes one of the following:
5 or 6-cup (1.2–1.4 L) Dishwasher-Safe Glass Jar
8-cup (1.89 L) Party Pitcher Glass Jar
6-cup (1.4 L) Break-Resistant Plastic Jar
D. Sealing ring for tight seal
E. Ice Crusher Blade pulverizes ice for smooth frozen drinks
F. Threaded Jar Nut or Threaded Jar Skirt (Select Models Feature a Threaded
Jar Skirt)
G. Powerful motor with ALL-METAL-DRIVE for lasting durability
H. Control panel
I. Pulse for precise blending control (Location varies per model)
J. HIGH/LOW Switch (Select Models Only)
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed,
including the following:
Re a d a l l i n s t R u c t i o n s b e f o R e u s e
• Unplugcordfromoutletwhennotinuseorbeforecleaning.
• Toprotectagainstriskofelectricalshock,donotimmersethecord,plugormotorbasein
water or any other liquids.
• Donotletcordhangoveredgeoftableorcounterortouchhotsurfaces.
• Neverleaveapplianceunattendedwheninuse.
• Closesupervisionisnecessarywhenusedbyornearchildren.
• Avoidcontactwithmovingparts.Keephandsandutensilsoutofjarwhileblendingtoprevent
personal injury or damage to the blender. A rubber spatula may be used only when the blender
is not running.
• Thebladeissharp.Handlewithcare.
• Toreducetheriskofinjury,neverplacecutter-assemblybladesonbasewithoutjarproperly
• Alwaysputthelidonthejarbeforeoperatingtheblender.
• Donotblendboilingliquidsintheblender.
to escape.
• Donotoperateanyappliancewithadamagedcordorplugoraftertheappliancemalfunctions
or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest Authorized
Sunbeam Appliance Service Center for examination, repair or electrical mechanical adjustment.
• Donotuseoutdoorsorforcommercialpurposes;thisapplianceisforhouseholduseonly.
• Alwaysoperateonaflatsurface.
• Unplugtheblenderwhennotinuse,beforetakingofforputtingonpartsandbeforecleaning.
• Usethisapplianceforitsintendeduseasdescribedinthismanual.Theuseofattachmentsnot
made by the manufacturer, including canning or ordinary jar and processing assembly parts, is
not recommended by Sunbeam Products, Inc. and may cause injury.
th i s PR o d u c t is f o R ho u s e h o l d us e on l y
The maximum rating marked on the product is based on the attachment that draws
the greatest load. Other attachments may draw less power.
Po W e r co r d In s t r u c t I o n s
Please follow the instructions below to ensure the safe use of the power cord.
• Thisapplianceisequippedwithapolarizedplug.Thistypeofplughasonebladethat
is wider than the other. This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. This is
a safety feature intended to help reduce the risk of electrical shock. If you are unable
to insert the plug into the outlet, contact a qualified electrician to replace the obsolete
outlet. Do not attempt to defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug by modifying
the plug in any way.
• Youmayuseanextensioncord,ifnecessary,butbecertaintofollowtheseguidelines:
– The marked electrical rating of the extension cord must be at least 120/127 Volt,
60 Hz, 10A.
The extension must be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop
tabletop, will not be within the reach of children, and will not be tripped over.
– Do not pull, twist or otherwise abuse the power cord.
*Note: Blender models will feature a Threaded Jar Nut OR a Threaded Jar Skirt (F)