
EchoMap v3.0
Send queue empty and waiting.
2.5.2 Satellite Indicator Examples
You have no connection with the Satellite
transceiver. All indicators are red.
You have a connection with the satellite
transceiver, but no lock with either GPS
or ORBCOMM satellites. You have made
one WX request, which is waiting for a
connection to send. If this persists,
check your antenna or verify antennas
have a clear sky view.
Poor lock on with ORBCOMM Sat A3, all
noise (red bar). WX not requested
(red), no GPS lock (yellow), empty Msg
Locked on to Sat B8 (green) with 70%
Signal Strength and no noise. Sending
data (white arrow up), GPS locked
(green), NexRAD request pending
(yellow), and one message in queue
waiting to be sent (yellow Msg1).
Locked onto ORBCOMM Sat D8 (green),
with 100% Signal Strength, receiving
data (white arrow down), GPS locked
(green), weather request for NexRAD is
pending (yellow), no messages are
waiting to be sent (green Msg).
All green. Lock to Sat B5 with a little
noise (dotted red bar). Metar (C/V)
information received less than an hour
ago, and no messages are waiting to be
sent (green Msg).
All green. Locked onto ORBCOMM Sat
D8, GPS locked, NexRAD image displayed
5 minutes old, and no messages are
waiting to be sent.