4 Boards
Nortel Secure Router 8012
Hardware Description
4-2 Nortel Networks Inc. Issue 5.3 (6 April 2009)
Title Description
4.9 Synchronous serial port
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the synchronous serial port module, and the attributes
of the interfaces.
4.10 Channelized and
unchannelized POS optical
interface modules
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the channelized and unchannelized Packet Over
SDH/SONET (POS) optical interface module, and the
attributes of the interfaces.
4.11 HSSI interface module This section describes the functions and front panel of
the High Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) interface
module, and the attributes of the interfaces.
4.12 IPSec encryption HIC
This section describes the functions and front panel of
the IP Security (IPSec) encryption High-speed
Interface Card (HIC), and the attributes of the