■ View message
You can view recipients of messages
you have sent. Select Menu > Log >
Msg. recipients.
■ Clear log lists
You can delete any missed, dialled,
or received calls from phone memory.
Select Menu > Log > Clear log lists >
All call lists, Missed calls, Received
calls, Dialled numbers, or Msg.
■ Call duration
Note: The actual invoice for
calls and services from your
service provider may vary,
depending on network
features, rounding off for
billing, taxes, and so forth.
To view the duration of your calls,
select Menu > Log >Call duration and
one of the following options:
Last call—Check the time of your last
Dialled calls—Check the combined time
of calls you dialled for either Home or
Received calls—Check the combined
time of calls you received for either
Home or Roaming.
All calls—Check the combined time of
all calls.
Life timer—Check the total airtime
minutes logged on your phone.
Clear timers—Enter your lock code,
and select OK to clear all timers on
your phone.
Note: Some timers, including
the life timer, may be reset
during service or software
■ Data or fax calls
Data/fax calls are a network service.
See “Network services”, p. viii, for more
information. If your wireless service
provider or network operator supports
this feature, you can view the size or
duration of sent or received data and
fax calls.
Note: The actual invoice
for calls and services from
your service provider may
vary, depending on network
features, rounding off for
billing, taxes and so forth.
Select Menu > Log > Data/fax calls
and one of the following options:
Last sent data/fax—View the size (KB)
of the last sent data or fax call.
Last rcvd. data/fax—View the size (KB)
of the last received data or fax call.
All sent data/fax—View the size (KB) of
all sent data and fax calls.
9251758_6275i_1_en_au_oth_v1.0.fm Page 30 Tuesday, August 22, 2006 10:24 PM