
Recording Time Calculation
MP3 Compressed Record Time in Hours
MP3 Data Rate (bit depth/sample rate), stereo track
64 kb/s
(0.47 MB/min)
96 kb/s
(0.70 MB/min)
128 kb/s
(0.94 MB/min)
160 kb/s
(1.17 MB/min)
192 kb/s
(1.40 MB/min)
256 kb/s
(1.86 MB/min)
320 kb/s
(2.34 MB/min)
Storage in GB
(1000 MB = 1 GB)
1 35 23 17 14 11 8 7
2 71 47 35 28 23 17 14
4 142 94 71 56 47 35 28
8 284 189 142 113 94 71 56
15 533 355 266 213 177 133 106
40 1422 948 711 568 474 355 284
60 2133 1422 1066 853 711 533 426
100 3555 2370 1777 1422 1185 888 711
The chart above shows recording time available with the 744T when recording to an MP3 fi le. Time
is expressed in hours at the specifi ed MP3 supported by the 744T. Note that all recordings are two-
channel recordings.
Compressed Audio
When digital audio is compressed using some form of lossy, perceptual process such as MPEG2-
Layer3 (MP3 audio), Windows Media encoding (WMA), ATRAC encoding (used in MiniDisc), AAC
(MPEG-4 audio), or others - it can have a signifi cant reduction in its data rate. Compressed audio has
enabled the practical distribution of audio over low speed data networks.