Your Machine
No. Parameter Setting Comments
132 Via Fax Server Invalid Selecting whether to communicate using RightFax Server.
Valid When this parameter is set to Valid, the machine communicates passes
through the RightFax Server not using PSTN. For more details, refer to
Operating Instructions (For User Authentication).
140 LAN RLY XMT Request Invalid Selecting whether the machine performs LAN Relay XMT Request.
141 LAN XMT Reduce Invalid Selecting whether to automatically reduce from LEDGER / B4 to A4, when
Valid LEDGER / B4 documents are transmitted via LAN.
Invalid : No reduction
Valid : Automatic reduction from LEDGER / B4 to A4
142 Relay XMT Invalid Selecting whether the machine accepts and performs G3 relayed transmission.
(a.k.a. LAN Relay Valid (Relay Station Functions)
Station on UF-770i)
143 Relay XMT Report Off Setting how the COMM. Journal for relayed transmission is sent to the
Always originator.
Inc Only Off : Don’t send.
Always : Always send.
Inc Only : Send only if communication has failed.
144 EMAIL Character Set Japanese Selecting the Character Set when receiving or sending email text.
145 Sender Selection Invalid Selecting a pre-programmed sender’s name and email address before each
Valid transmission.
146 POP Timer 0 to 60 min. Setting the time interval for the machine to check for email on the POP Server.
(0 = Does not check the POP Server for email.)
147 Auto POP Receive Invalid Selecting whether the machine automatically downloads an email from the
Valid POP Server.
148 Del POP Receive Mail Invalid Selecting whether the email will be deleted automatically after retrieval from
Valid the POP Server.
149 Del POP Error Mail Invalid Selecting whether to delete the email that includes an incompatible file
Valid attachment from the POP Server.
150 Ifax Return Receipt Invalid Selecting whether to send a return receipt when receiving from another
Valid Panasonic Internet Fax.
151 EMAIL Header FMT All Selecting the header information to print when an email is received. (Normally
S/F/T used for Troubleshooting. It shows the path of the email transmission before
(Subject/ arriving at your machine.)
152 Sub-Addr Routing Invalid Selecting whether to automatically route a received fax, or email using ITU-T
Valid sub-address.
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