[Body heat sensor]
Select an action to be taken when a body heat sensor is detected from the following.
• Off: Does not take any action even when a body heat sensor is detected.
• 1-64: When the registered preset position is selected, the camera will move to the selected preset position
when a body heat sensor is detected.
• Default: Off
[VMD alarm]
Select an action to be taken when a VMD alarm is detected from the following.
• Off: Does not take any action even when a VMD alarm is detected.
• 1-64: When the registered preset position is selected, the camera will move to the selected preset position
when a VMD alarm is detected.
• Default: Off
[Command alarm]
Select an action to be taken when a command alarm is detected from the following.
• Off: Does not take any action even when a command alarm is detected.
• 1-64: When the registered preset position is selected, the camera will move to the selected preset position
when a command alarm is detected.
• Default: Off
11.3 Configure the settings relating to the alarm
image [Alarm]
Click the [Alarm] tab on the “Alarm” page. (®page 34, page 35)
The settings relating to the alarm image to be transmitted to an FTP server can be configured in this section.
The alarm image will be transmitted to an FTP server. To transmit alarm images to an FTP server, it is
necessary to configure the settings in advance. (®page 100)
• Depending on the network line speed or the network traffic, images may not be transmitted at the exact
designated interval or period.
80 Operating Instructions
11 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]