Outdoor Unit Installation Guidelines
Where a wall or other obstacle is in the path of outdoor unit’s intake or exhaust airflow, follow the installation
guidelines below.
For any of the below installation patterns, the wall height on the exhaust side should be 47-1/4" or less.
10.2 Install The Outdoor Unit
After selecting the best location, start installation
to Indoor/Outdoor Unit Installation Diagram.
1 Fix the unit on concrete or rigid frame firmly
and horizontally by bolt nut (ø13/32").
2 When installing at roof, please consider strong
wind and earthquake.
Please fasten the installation stand firmly with
bolt or nails.
Model A B C D
CU-2E18*** 24-1/8" 5-5/32" 5/8" 14-3/16"
10.3 Connect the Piping
Remove the control board cover (resin) from the
unit by loosening three screws
Connecting The Piping To Outdoor Unit
Decide piping length and then cut by using pipe
Remove burrs from cut edge. Make flare after
inserting the flare nut (locate at valve) onto the
copper pipe.
Align center of piping to valves and then tighten
with torque wrench to the specified torque as
stated in the table.
Do not over tighten, over tightening may cause gas leakage
Piping size Torque
1/4" [0.02 ft] [18 N•m (13.3 lbf ft)]
3/8" [0.03 ft] [42 N•m (31.0 lbf ft)]
1/2" [0.04 ft] [55 N•m (40.6 lbf ft)]
5/8" [0.05 ft] [65 N•m (47.9 lbf ft)]
3/4" [0.06 ft] [100 N•m (73.8 lbf ft)]
Gas Leak Checking
Pressure test to system to 400 PSIG with dry nitrogen, in stages. Thoroughly leak check the system.
If the pressure holds, release the nitrogen and proceed to section 10.4.