
Effect-by-effect setting screens
When a compression effect has been applied to images, some of the effects may be automatically canceled.
When applying 2D compression effects to channel A
Under the conditions below, the Still, Strobe and Multi Strobe for channel A are turned OFF when the Transition lever or
key size adjustment Z has been changed or the compression rate has been changed by the aspect ratio.
Conditions: When [DSK-Effects] is OFF and any of the Rev or Dual PinP patterns below has been selected
2DcompKey (2D + 3Dcomp included) + Rev
2DcompTrans + Rev
2Dcomp2Trans (+ Rev)
2Dslide1Trans (+ Rev)
2Dslide2Trans (+ Rev)
When applying 2D compression effects to channel B
Under the conditions below, the Still, Strobe and Multi Strobe for channel B are turned OFF when the Transition lever or
key size adjustment Z has been changed or the compression rate has been changed by the aspect ratio.
Conditions: When [DSK-Effects] is OFF and any of the Norm or Dual PinP patterns below has been selected
2DcompKey (2D + 3Dcomp included) + Rev
The processing procedure differs depending on whether the 3D optional board (AG-VE70) has been installed or nor. Details
are as follows.
When the 3D optional board (AG-VE70) is not installed
Pattern number selected Processing after cancel operation
1501 to 1533 (28 to 31, 36 to 42, 128 to 129) 2Dcomp
1541 to 1550 (32 to 35, 130 to 133, 141 to 142) 2chComp
1301 to 1333 (43 to 46, 51 to 54, 138 to 140) 2DSlide1 (only Multi Strobe is set OFF)
1341 to 1348 (47 to 50, 134 to 137) 2DSlide2 (only Multi Strobe is set OFF)
3301 to 3303, 3311 to 3313, 3501 to 3578 2Dcomp Key
3304, 3314, 3324, 3501 to 3378 Dual PinP
1401 to 1498 (143 to 182) 2Dcomp/MoveKey
3401 to 3478 2DcompMoveKey (OFF when Z is changed)
3601 to 3623 Bounce Key (OFF when Z is changed)
Pattern number selected Processing after cancel operation
1341 to 1348 (47 to 50, 134 to 137) 2DSlide2 (only Multi Strobe is set OFF)
1541 to 1550 (32 to 35, 130 to 133, 141 to 142) 2chComp
3304, 3314, 3324, 3501 to 3378 Dual PinP
4601 to 5614, 6031 to 6037 3D + 2Dcomp Key (OFF when Z is changed)
When the 3D optional board (AG-VE70) is installed