Troubleshooting Chart
Some parts of the screen
do not light up.
An after-image appears.
Whirring sounds can be
heard from the display unit.
Plasma Display panel
• The plasma display panel is manufactured using an extremely high level of
precision technology; however, sometimes some parts of the screen may be
missing picture elements or have luminous spots. This is not a malfunction.
• Do not allow a still picture to be displayed for an extended period, as this can
cause a permanent after-image to remain on the Plasma TV.
Examples of still pictures include logos, video games, computer images,
teletext and images displayed in 4:3 mode.
The permanent after-image on the Plasma TV resulting from fixed image use is
not an operating defect and as such is not covered by the Warranty.
This product is not designed to display fixed images for extended periods of time.
• The TV is fitted with a cooling fan to dissipate heat generated during normal
use. The rotating fan may cause a whirring sound but it is not a malfunction.
TV Guide
I got listings after my initial
setup; however, some
days say “No Listings.”
My Guide listings
disappeared after a power
Some channel numbers in
the Guide are incorrect.
I have not received any
Guide show listings.
Recording did not occur.
The TV did not tune to a
show I scheduled with the
Reminder feature.
I set a show to Auto-Tune
and it did not.
I set a show with the Power
On TV option and it did not.
After initial setup, it can take up to a week to populate the full 8 days of listings.
Once fully populated, 8 days of program information should always be available.
You should begin to receive listings again within 24 hours.
You can correct them using Change Channel Display under Setup.
Listings begin to appear within 24 hours after a successful Setup.
• Check the connections between the TV, cable, antenna, and the IR cable if
using a cable box.
• Verify Setup information under Change System Settings.
• Make sure the cable box is On, if applicable.
• Review Screen 4 and Screen 5 in the Initial Guide Setup section.
• Make sure your recorder is turned Off before the recording begins.
• Make sure there is a tape in the Recorder.
• Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed before recording
• Check the placement of the IR cable in front of your recorder.
• Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed.
• If you have a cable box, check the IR cable.
• Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
• Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
– Press the Menu button on the remote.
– Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
– Verify the Auto-Tune option reads Yes.
• The TV must be On at the scheduled time for Auto-Tune.
• Check the Schedule menu and verify that the show is listed as a Reminder.
• Highlight the show under Listings and do the following:
– Press the Menu button on the remote.
– Use the down arrow to highlight Edit Reminder, and press
– Verify the Power On TV option reads Yes.
• The TV must be Off at the scheduled time for Power On TV.
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45, 47
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