Email ABBR Programming Errors
Error Message Sent to the Sender
Error messages that are emailed from the DX-2000 to the original sender during remote programming of the
One-Touch / ABBR No. via email.
Internet FAX Return Receipt Errors Messages
Error messages that are printed on the Internet Fax Return Receipt when remote programming of the One-Touch
/ ABBR No. via email fails.
Error message Possible cause
1 554 Data transfer error (broken header) The header or sub header decoding is being processed while
the message finished, try again.
2 554 Data transfer error (broken data) Multiple contents are present and being processed while the
message finished, try again.
3 554 Data transfer error (FAX module) Data transfer error occurred in the FAX module while
communicating with the LAN module, try again.
4 554 MIME attachment not supported
MIME attachment is not supported during this operation, re-
send using plain text in the message body only.
5 554 MIME format not supported MIME file type is not supported, re-send using plain text in the
message body only.
6 554 G3 relay permission denied The requested domain for Relayed XMT is not registered.
7 554 Relay address unknown The telephone number of end receiving station for the Relayed
XMT is unknown.
8 554 Memory full (FAX module) FAX Memory is full, try again later.
9 554 Data transfer error Other errors not listed above, try again later.
Error message Possible cause
1 Format Error : <@list block, the "@end" command is
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@list" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
2 Format Error : <@command block, the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@command" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
3 Format Error : <@begin block, the "@begin"
command is missing.>
The block start command "@begin" is missing in the "@begin"
block, add the "@begin" command and try again.
4 Format Error : <@begin block, the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@begin" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
5 Format Error : <@system block,the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@system" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
6 Format Error : <@sender block,the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@sender" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
7 Format Error:<@domain block,the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@domain" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
8 Format Error : <@program block,the "@end"
command is missing.>
The block termination command "@end" is missing in the
"@program" block, add the "@end" command and try again.
9 Format Error:<@system block,the "@system"
command is missing.>
The system block start command "@system" is missing in the
"@system" block, add the "@system" command and try again.
10 Permission denied : <Fax Forward parameter is set
to "Valid".>
Change the Fax Forward parameter to "Invalid" and try again.
11 Permission denied : <Fax machine is busy
performing a task.>
Try again later when the machine is not busy.
12 Error : <Progarammed ABBR overwrite prohibited.
Use open ABBR only.>
Can not overwrite existing programmed data, use the "Delete"
command to erase the existing data first.
13 Permission denied : <Password is incorrect.> Correct the password and try again.
14 Permission denied : <Remote Dialer Update
parameter is set to "Invalid".>
Set the Remote Dialer Update parameter to "Valid".
15 Format Error : <error line> The format of the Entry is incorrect / incomplete or the data
string for each station is not defined within a single line.
16 Warning : <error line> The format of the Entry is incorrect or the number of characters
entered, exceed the maximum allowed in the field. Correct it
and try again.
17 Warning : Field limit exceeded<error line> The maximun number of the station name is exceeded.