
Call Service
Check the duration and the remaining units of calls.
d Main menu > Settings > Calls > Call Service > Time/Charge
1. [192] to scroll to Last call, All voice calls or Cost left 7 [5]
(When you select All voice calls, go to the next step.)
2. To check the number of calls made and the duration: [192] to
scroll to Outgoing or Incoming 7 [5] (Select)
To check the units of call charge: [192] to scroll to Call meter
7 [5] (Select)
Call waiting
If Call waiting is switched on, another call can be received while on a
call and multiple calls can be made.
d Main menu > Settings > Calls > Call Service > Call waiting
1. [192] to scroll to Set, Clear or Status check 7 [5] (Select)
Last call Display the date, time and duration of the last call.
All voice calls
Display the total duration, number, and call units of all the
outgoing or incoming voice calls.
Cost left Display the remaining call units available.