Currency Convertor
The currency convertor enables you to convert from/to a home
currency using a conversion rate that you enter.
When “Menu” is displayed in the option area of the display:
1 FBand e to point to “Applications”
2 FBand e to point to “Currency”
3 FB
Entering a Conversion Rate
Enter a country code for the home and foreign currency
Enter the currency conversion rate
NOTE: Press and hold 1 to add decimal point.
Converting a Value
Enter the value to be converted
NOTE: The country code and currency rate will be retained in the
phone once entered. The next time you use the convertor you can
edit the conversion rate /country codes. Press f until “Edit”
appears in the option area of the display, then press B.
Swapping the Currency Conversion
When you have entered a value to be converted, you can swap
the currencies that you wish to convert
1 Ffuntil “Swap” appears in the option area of the
2 FBthe order of the currencies will be swapped
3 Ffuntil “OK” appears in the option area of the
4 FBto make the conversion
Basic Operation