Sit quietly and relax while taking measurements.
Take a measurement while sitting at a desk and positioning the cu at heart level
as shown in the image below.
Dierences in height will cause dierences in measured blood pressure values. *
Getting into the measurement position
Place the elbow on the table or on
something similar.
Align the height of the cu to the heart.
Relax with your palm facing up.
In the following situations, measurements might be abnormally inuenced.
Within 1 hour after eating or drinking alcohol
Immediately after drinking coee or tea, or smoking
In a moving vehicle
Immediately after exercising or taking a bath (Wait at least 20 minutes and take a
measurement while staying quiet.)
In cold places (Take measurements at room temperatures around 68 °F (20 °C).)
When you need to urinate (Wait several minutes after urinating before taking
Be sure to comply with the following points for accurate measurements. Not
following these points may make it impossible to obtain meaningful measurements:
Do not move your body, arm, or ngertips.
Do not touch the main unit or the cu during measurement.
Do not talk.
Do not use devices emitting strong signals, such as cellular phones, near the main
unit. The measurement may not be performed correctly due to the signal and this
may lead to malfunctions.
Use the same upper arm with the same posture at the same time every day.
We recommend three measurements a day.
First··· Upon Waking (Because, with almost no inuence from body
movements, the blood pressure is closest to that at night.)
Second··· Before Lunch (Because, with no inuence from the meal, it provides
blood pressure values close to the highest of the day.)
Third··· At Bedtime (So as to obtain data close to your average blood pressure
values during the day.)
This way, by taking measurements morning, noon and night, you can use the unit to
learn the patterns of and monitor your blood pressure.
BU35.indb 13 2011/06/14 14:28:18