XI - 27
Chapter 11 Serial Interface 0, 1
Emergency Reset
It is possible to shut down communication. For a forced reset, the SCnSBOS flag and the SCnSBIOS
flag of the SCnMD1 register should be set to "0" (SBO pin : port, input data : "1" input). At forced reset,
the status registers (the SCnBRKF flag of the SCnMD2 register, all flags of the SCnMD3 register) are
initialized as they are set at reset, but the control register holds the setting value.
Table 11-3-4 Last Bit Data Length of Transfer Data
Other Control Flag Setup
Table 11-3-5 shows flags that are not used at clock synchronous communication. So, they are not
needed to set or monitor.
Table 11-3-5 Other Control Flag
Last Bit of Transfer Data
Table 11-3-4 shows the data output holding period of the last bit at transmission, and the minimum data
input period of the last bit at reception. After data output holding period of the last bit, "H" is output.
The last bit data holding period at
The last data input period at
At master 1 bit data length
At s lave
[1 bit data length of external clock x 1/2] +
[internal clocl frequency x (1/2 to 3/2)]
1 bit data length (Minimum)
Register Flag Detail
SCnBRKF Brake status reception monitor
SCnNPE Parity is enabled
SCnPM1 to 0 Added bit specification
SCnFM1 to 0 Frame mode specification
SCnPEK Parity error detection
SCnFEF Frame error detection