Additional Information
FP Web-Server V2.11
15.1 Contents of the CD and Auxiliary Programs
You will find the following folders on the CD:
Folder Subfolder Comment
Configurator Setup including examples for
http and FPWIN Pro
FP-Web Documents
Different documentation, Manuals
FP-IEC60870 Library
Setup of FPWIN Pro IEC 60870 library,
examples and documentation of
Documentation on the Java Applet Library
JavaAppletLibrary Setup of the Java Applet Library including
examples and additional tools
JavaRuntime Setup of the Java runtime system for
Windows (SUN)
Other Tools AcrobatReader Enables displaying pdf files
COM_IP RS232C to Ethernet Redirector
Flash_Plugin Required to display Flash grafics in the
HTML help
HtmlHelp Workshop Necessary tools when the display of the
HTML help fails
RS232C_TCP Redirector
Redirector using two COM Ports
PPP-Cable PPP Connection via Null Modem Cable
plus driver for the FP Modem-EU (now
supports all versions of Windows NT)
TCP_Server_Client Visual Basic and C++ examples for
programming a TCP server or client
application for windows.
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