5 − 6
5.2 What to Do if an Error Occurs
5.2.3 Communication is Inhibited
There is a possibility that the cables have not been connected correctly.
If usingthe unitfor thefirst time,there is apossibility thatthe cables havebeen connected
incorrectly. Check the connector wiring diagram and check for conductivity, using a
For information on wiring and connections, please check “Chapter 4 RS232C Port
5.2.4 If an Error Response is Returned to the Host Side
There is an error in the format of the command sent from the host side, or the PLC side
is unable to process the command.
Take corrective action based on the error response code.
For information on error codes, please check page 6 − 5.
If the host side is a display panel, check the following.
− Check to see if communication conditions match between the display
panel side and the PLC side, such as the transmission format and
transmission speed (baud rate).
− If the device number specified on the display panel side is out of the
range of numbers that can be used by the PLC involved in the com-
munication, error code 61 (Data Error) may be returned as an error
response in some cases.
If the host side is a computer, try the processing again.
− If correct data is received after erroneous data has been received, the
ERROR LED goes out.