Internal Engine I/F (Main Board - Engine Board)
The communication I/F signal between Main Board and Engine Board in Main Board is as follows.
nPRDY: Engine status is ready for communication.
nTOP: A vertical synchronous signal which indicates the home position in a recording sheet.
nHSYNC: A horizontal synchronous signal which indicates the home position of horizontal laser scanning.
nPRINT: After receiving this signal from main control CPU, the engine starts printing. In other words, print request.
nVIDEO: Video image data which modulate laser beam.
nPURGE: Paper purge signal which asserted when the paper exit to the tray.
nPSAVE: Engine power save command signal.
CXD: Serial command data from main board to engine board.
SXD: Serial Status data from engine board to main board.
nCBSY: Data transfer busy signal from main board to engine board.
nSBSY: Data transfer busy signal from engine board to main board.
CCLK: Communication clock for those serial data. ( main board assert )
KX-P7105 / KX-P7110