1.4 Specifications
26 Installation Manual
1.4.3 System Capacity
Maximum CO Line and VoIP Line
The Hybrid IP-PBX supports the following number of CO lines and VoIP lines.
Maximum Terminal Equipment
The following number of items of terminal equipment can be supported by the Hybrid IP-PBX. For how to
count the total number of items of equipment to be connected, refer to "MEC Card Calculation".
Line Type Maximum Number
CO Line 12
VoIP Line 4
Terminal Equipment Type Without Additional AC
With Additional AC Adaptor
Without MEC Card Without MEC Card With MEC Card
SLT 24 24
KX-T7600 series DPT/DSS
Tota l 2 4 To tal 24 Tota l 4 8
KX-T7600 series DPT 24 24 48
KX-T7600 series DSS console 4 4
Other DPT/DSS console and APT Total 4 Total 24
Other DPT 4 24
Other DSS console 4 4
APT 4 24
DSS console 4 4
CS 4 8
PS 28 28
4 ports (1 VPS)
A maximum of 4 ports (8 channels) of a single VPS can be connected to the Hybrid IP-PBX.
4 ports (1 VPS)*
SLT, PT, DSS console, and VPS Total 28 Total 28 Total 52
Doorphone 4 4
Door Opener/External Relay 4 4
External Sensor 4 4
Add-on Key Module
Tota l 2 4 To tal 24
USB Module 24