• If the dialed phone number is "21234567#", "598765432#" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does
Not Match] is set to [Yes], the call is made immediately.
• If the dialed phone number is "21234567", "598765432" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does Not
Match] is set to [No], the call is denied after the inter-digit timer expires.
• If the dialed phone number is "21234567#", "598765432#" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does
Not Match] is set to [No], the call is denied.
No Match:
Example: "[2346789]11|01[2-9]xx.|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx"
• If the dialed phone number is "0011", "1011" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does Not Match] is
set to [Yes], the call is made after the inter-digit timer expires.
• If the dialed phone number is "0011#", "1011#" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does Not
Match] is set to [Yes], the call is made immediately.
• If the dialed phone number is "0011", "1011" and so on when [Call Even If Dial Plan Does Not Match] is
set to [No], the call is denied.
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 209
5.3.1 Dial Plan Settings